Is it ever too much?

There’s a point where you got to make the call; is this rust held together by will power or is it a car?

The answer is always: it’s car and we are going to make it roar to life again! No doubt, many would pass and shake their heads in disbelief. But that’s what we do, kind of more a “special situations” shop than typical garage. Hate the approach almost all shops take to just buy new panels, buy-and-swap. What’s the art in that?

Metalwork in particular is just such a craft. Can’t but always diverting to the old samurai swords makers of the Japanese past. They were on to something, shaping lumps of iron and coal into masterful pieces of art. Endless hours of perfection, apprenticeships that lasted a lifetime. And no one to keep asking “are we there yet”.

Yes, it takes time. Sometimes a lot longer than what anticipated, but that’s how it goes. And that’s the way we do it. No compromise on that front as parts are meticulously and painstakingly put together, one weld at a time. We don’t operate on anyone’s artificial timeline. Only the steel of the bodywork and each peen hammer and dolly pairing determine the pace. The way it should be. No point in asking them if we are there yet.

You want McDonalds fast food? Go there then, but don’t expect a samurai sword.